Facing Difficulties on Keeping the Home Clean? Here are Some Tips
Facing Difficulties on Keeping the Home Clean? Here are Some Tips
Cleaning a messy home can be a scary and one of the worst task. However, we have created some tips for you to make it smooth — like avoiding gimmicky organinzing tools and wasting your money and the key point is following the "10 Minute Cleaning Rule" daily, where we take 10 minutes daily to clean your house.
Here are few tips for keeping your home clean.
Trust your Feelings:
Throw away the easiest things to get rid of, our minds will re-work itself when we move on to the harder-to-throw-away items
Edit according to your lifestyle
We hold on to things with which our emotions our attached, we "NEED" to stop thinking that way and get rid of these emotional items.
Don't Buy More to Organize
When we buy more products such as books or organizing tools, we buy with intentions of cleaning the house. But if those tools are not being put to use or you feel you will not be using it. "Do Not Buy It, Stay Away From It" before that itself becomes clutter.
Make a Cleaning Habit
Use a 10 minute rule where you clean for 10 minutes and try to be as fast as possible. Then once a week, dig into deep cleaning of the entire house.
Buy 1, Get Rid of 1
Make this your motto. Where you buy anything in replacement purposes, throw away the old one where the new one will get more utilized. This can be clothes, bins, bed sheet and more.